eBay UK alternative
Love the Sales is a free service that finds you the best prices across 100's of stores. Join over 0 million people and pay up to 70% less for the brands you love.
Free to use
A service that compares prices & finds you the best deals from 100's of different stores.
Mega markdowns
Pay up to 70% less on 1,000's of brands. Get this season's fashion at a discount.
0 million shoppers
Over 0 million people use Love the Sales to find bargains.

eBay UK & Love the Sales
Both eBay and Love the Sales offer the opportunity to grab a bargain – but how do they work and what will your experience with each site be like?
How does eBay UK work?
eBay is a membership-based website. You sign up and can become a buyer or a seller. As a buyer, you get the best deal by either placing a bid on an item, submitting an offer or using the 'Buy it now' function, depending on the seller’s preference.
If you are a seller, you can use the site to list your items. A lot of big retailers now list through eBay, but it is still dominated by small-traders and individuals.
How does Love the Sales work?
Working with more than 850 retailers, Love the Sales curates the best deals all in one place. It is a sales marketplace.
Love the Sales makes a commission for each purchase made through the site..
Unlike eBay UK, Love the Sales does not show second-hand goods.
Love the Sales’ offers a range of discounts across men’s and women’s fashion and shoes, electronics, homewares and gardening. To read more about Love the Sales, visit our FAQs page.
Are the deals on Love the Sales genuine?
Love the Sales only shows 100% genuine deals from reputable retailers. The site is a coming together of all the best online sales that you do not have the time to find yourself. The retailers you deal with are the retailers you would visit on the high street or significant online outlets.
Do you need to sign up to see deals on eBay UK and Love the Sales?
You do not need to sign up to view deals on Love the Sales. However, if you are purchasing a product on the marketplace and have not been redirected to a retailers product page, you will need to create an account on Love the Sales before you complete your purchase.
You do not need to create an account to view deals on eBay. If you are making a purchase on eBay, you will need to create an account before making a purchase.
How to get in touch with eBay UK and Love the Sales
You can contact Love the Sales via email at hello@lovethesales.com or get in touch via our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts.
While much of the contact you will have on the site will be with other buyers and sellers, eBay does have a resolution centre that works to deal with any concerns or issues you may have. You can contact eBay through the help section on its website.
See how Love the Sales compares to other deal marketplaces, including; Hotukdeals, Wowcher, Secret Sales and BrandAlley.